A Fun Surprise Backyard Cleveland Wedding

Surprise Backyard Cleveland Wedding

Angela and Nick had a surprise backyard Cleveland wedding and it was a splendid time.

Please enjoy, Scott Shaw Photo | Cleveland Wedding Photographer

Surprise Backyard Cleveland Wedding

in Cleveland

When I talked to Angela and Nick I found them to be super sweet and nice. Most of my couples are of course and their
enthusiasm for their surprise backyard wedding had me very excited at the unpredictable nature of their wedding. I had
never witnessed an instant surprise wedding like this before and it was even better than I expected.

It’s fun to be in on a secret so when I arrived to a house and backyard full of people with my camera I quickly hid.
I was ushered into the bourbon room by the officiant Megan as everyone was looking at me wondering what the guy with the
cameras was doing. As we were discussing how things would play out and the best location for the ceremony Nick’s mother,
Jane, appeared. She was clearly wanting in on the secret but we stayed tight lipped and said we need to talk alone.

Megan was instrumental in helping pull off the surprise. She helped get everything set up and even offered to get more
ice among many other things. She was the day of wedding coordinator they didn’t even know they needed!

When it was time Nick and Angela stood on the back steps with everyone gathered around to thank them for coming to
their engagement/house warming party. I was dying for him to announce and the more he talked the more tense I was getting!
Finally he told everyone and there was so much cheering and crying!

Then it was time for the couple to change outfits upstairs and get ready as Megan made sure the ceremony area was set up.

I’ll let Angela tell the rest about their surprise backyard Cleveland wedding:

Angela: “We decided six days before to make the engagement party our wedding with the help of our Megan and Scott! We
both worked a lot at our jobs that week and prayed that everything was going to fall into place. 

“Family and friends from all over dropped everything for what they thought was just an engagement party and we were so
humbled by that. We understand everyone has such busy lives and schedules and were just in awe that over a 100 people wanted
to be there for us and to celebrate.

“We didn’t want to ask that of everyone again and said why not just make this our wedding! We have lost family unexpectedly
 over the years. My grandfather in an accident and my cousin Nina far too young in January. It taught us that life is too short
and when we had those people gathered we had to just make the most of it.” Nina was in the wedding industry and I often saw her
friendly face at networking events.

“There were family members and friends missing but it makes it that much sweeter to get to celebrate with them even more
when we do get together.

“I was shocked how emotional Nick was and it made it even that more special!”

Nick: “When it all came together and I started seeing guests arrive I was taken aback by my emotions and how special it was
going to be. I was filled with so much gratitude and love.” 

They started dating in 2017, moved in after six weeks and bought a house six months later. They waited longer to get engaged
taking over five years and a trip to Sardinia, Italy. Life is busy for them as they now have three dogs, she finished grad school,
switched jobs and now they have a new home. They moved in on her cousin Nina’s birthday who sadly passed recently. Officiant Megan
was one of her best friends.

Now on to the photos of their surprise backyard Cleveland wedding! Okay it was a western suburb but hey
that’s Cleveland too!

Officiant: Meghan Tellalian
Catering: Maha Eid
DJ: Tim England
Cake: Lil’ Butterfly Bakeshop
Florist: Amour Floral & Decor
Dress: Revolve (next day air!)
Suit: Express (two days before!)
Bride’s shoes: Sam Edelman (sister in law’s)
Groom’s shoes: Joseph Matthew
Engagement Rings: Family owned from NY
Wedding bands: groom – Dick’s silicon ring, bride -great grandmother Genevieve inscripted 2-11-29
Hair: Looks by Nali
Makeup: Looks by Nali

Info for planning your own surprise backyard Cleveland wedding: https://www.brides.com/story/how-to-plan-a-surprise-wedding-ceremony

Thank you for viewing this Surprise Backyard Cleveland Wedding,

– Scott Shaw Photo | Cleveland Wedding Photographer

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