Double proposal Cleveland Botanical Garden

Double proposal Cleveland Botanical Garden

First Tenesha asked Kate to marry her at the Cleveland Botanical Garden and then Kate pulled out another ring.

Please enjoy, Scott Shaw Photo | Cleveland Wedding Photographer

Double proposal Cleveland Botanical Garden

Tenesha decided the Cleveland Botanical Garden would be a perfect proposal site.

She booked an appointment to tour the grounds and decide on a location in the Cleveland Botanical Garden. After considering
the options she went with the Costa Rica Glasshouse. This took out the worry of rainy weather so it would not be a
factor during the proposal.

The plan was to propose a few minutes after the Cleveland Botanical Garden closed so we didn’t have to worry about people
walking by the couple. As soon as everyone cleared the glasshouse I texted Tenesha it was okay to come in.

There’s a loop around so as they went the one way I went the other. Tall and dense plants were hiding us from each other.

They talked for a few minutes and Tenesha got down on one knee. As I was photographing I noticed Kate going into her purse.
She pulled out a ring box too and then got on her knee to propose to Tenesha!

A double proposal. What a surprise!

After they had a few minutes together we talked and decided to make some photos inside before heading outside.

Costa Rica Glasshouse

The upstairs where we were had a wonderful view of the large trees, shrubs and other types of greenery. I had the couple
go downstairs where I could take advantage of my higher viewpoint for a birds-eye view of them. 

Then I met them downstairs for a few photos and since we were all getting warm we decided to go outside.

We went through a variety of gardens after their proposal at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.

Rose Garden

First up was the Rose Garden. They have a variety of colorful, sweet smelling roses. There’s an octagonal pool and benches
to sit and reflect as well.

Inspiration Gardens

We then took a walkway toward the Inspiration Gardens. I loved the small waterfall and this made a beautiful foreground
for a portrait of the couple. I love the stone arches and this is always a perfect location. I think this would make
a great location for the next Cleveland Botanical Garden proposal I photograph!

Topiary Garden

This garden has sculptures made of deciduous plants and evergreens and I followed through an archway made of the evergreens.

Western Reserve Herb Garden

After a few photos around the knot layout and surrounded by well over 3,000 plants we decided it was time to leave soon.

Just a few more photos in the Reis Terrace with the living wall and I left them to celebrate with their dinner at
Blue Point Grille.

Info for the Cleveland Botanical Garden:

Here’s a wedding I photographed at the Cleveland Botanical Garden:

Thank you for viewing this Double proposal Cleveland Botanical Garden,

– Scott Shaw Photo | Cleveland Wedding Photographer

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